How to find the right bookkeeper for you?

When searching for a bookkeeper you first need to know what type of person you want to work with. This person will be entrusted with all of your business financial information and half the time they will also be entrusted with your personal financial information. This person not only has to understand your business but they have to understand you.   So if you feel uncomfortable at the first meeting then they are probably not the right bookkeeper for you.

Key things to ask your potential bookkeeper:

  • Are they a registered BAS agent? If they are an agent then they do have the necessary insurance that will protect you.
  • How many years of experience do they have?
  • What industries have they worked with?
  • What is the most important thing they believe a business owner should know?
  • What Professional Organisation do they belong to? Most common ICB – Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, ABN – Australian Bookkeepers Network, AAT Association of Accounting Technicians Australia.
  • What accounting software packages are they confident in?
  • If they are working off site with your information then what measures do they take to keep your information confidential and safe?

How to know you have an awesome bookkeeper:

  • Your bookkeeper will ask questions to get to know you and your business.
  • Your bookkeeper will want to know about your processes and procedures and assist where they can to help you improve or simplify them.
  • Your bookkeeper will be able to admit they don’t know everything but be willing to learn or find out.
  • Your bookkeeper will be willing to show you how to get reports from your system and what they mean to you.
  • Your bookkeeper will break down the tasks they have completed for you in their invoice.
  • Your bookkeeper will keep you informed with anything regarding your business.
  • Your bookkeeper will keep you up to date with the current rules and regulations.